The prayer for the deaths

(Modern Hebrew pronunciation in Dutch phonetics)

Yitgadal we-yitkadasj shemee rabaa, be-almaa die b'raa chiroetee,

we-yamliech malchoetee, be-chayechoon oe-beyomechoon oe-bechayee
de-chol  beet yisra'eel, be-ag'ala oe biz'man kariev, we-im'roe ameen.

Yehee sjmee rabaa mevorach le-olam oele-almee alma'ya.

Yitbarach we-yisjtabach we-yitromam we-yitnassee we-yithadar we-yit'alee we-yithallal sjmee de-koedsja beriech hoe, le-eela min kol birchata we-sjirata,

toesjbechata we-nechemataa de-amieran be-alma, we-im'roe ameen.

Yehee sh'lamaa rabaa min sj'maya we-chaim toviem aleenoe we-al kol yisra'eel, we-imroe ameen.

Ossee sjalom bim'romav, hoe ja'assee sjalom aleenoe

we-al kol yisra'eel, we-im'roe ameen.